Endeavours in blogging

For the longest time I've been feeling this unexplainable desire. At first, I wasn't quite sure what for, but as time.pasded I realized it was a need to change my priorities in life in an attempt to find a lifestyle could actually live with. So then the big question was 'how?'.
I've always had an affection for nature, ever since my parents used to take me for long walks in the forest as a child. I remember the forest being so big, so wild and so exciting. As the years have passed, these feelings of amazement with nature has only grown stronger and stronger. And so, I came to the conclusion that the life I wanted was one as close to that feeling as possible. Ideally, of course, I'd buy a cottage out in the middle of no where and live out my dream, but sadly that's not nearly possible (yet!). Instead, I decided that while I wait for that to be possible I'm going to aim to get as close as possible, given the circumstances! And that's exactly why I started this blog. To share my experiences and lessons I learn along the way, in gardening, cooking and other useful life skills that I have yet to acquire, or just would like to improve. I'm looking forward to sharing my journey with you! 🌿


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